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3Y0X Qsl info

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3Y0X N2OO 2006  Peter I Island * http://www.peterone.com  N2OO
####  Your search returned 1 manager(s) + 1 address(es)  ####

N2OO's Address
Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087-0345, USA

Note from JH1CBS    [19 Feb 2009]

jh1cbs noqsl wait 4years

Note from IK3QAR    [20 Feb 2006]

20 February 2006, 0130 UTC:

*** From the official Peter I site ***

We're all aboard ship! The last five of us were helicoptered back aboard the DAP Mares about 0000UTC today. We've all showered (for the first time in two weeks) and are feeling very good about the whole Peter I experience.
Thuere are still 8-10 helicopter loads of gear and supplies awaiting transfer from the island to the ship tomorrow and, when that's all done and stowed, we'll be sailing for Punta Arenas.

Tentative plans are to visit Deception Island on the way back to King George Island and on to Punta Arenas, Chile. There may be radio operations from Deception and King George; more about that as plans firm up. We're at least four days away from Punta Arenas.

While the Peter I phase of the trip is over, we're still days away from home; we plan updates for you along the way.

Thanks for participating with us on this great adventure -- and being part of the 87K+ Qs from 3Y0X!

73 from the Peter I Team!

Note from IK3QAR    [06 Feb 2006]

*** From the official Peter I site ***

Update #2:
Time: 09:15 local, 13:15UTC: The helicopter engine has been started and the first guys are moving to the island!

Update #1:
Time: 08:00 local, 12:00UTC: We're a mile and half offshore Peter I. The helicopter is loaded for the first run and the first four of us to go are primed and ready. Seas are calm, winds 15 knots, Temp 35°F -- and the island completely shrouded in fog! We are waiting for it to lift...
73's to all from The Peter I team!

Note from IK3QAR    [04 Feb 2006]

*** From the official Peterone site ***

Beginning yesterday afternoon we encountered long swells that gently raise and then lower the boat.. It was a fairly comfortable ride. Today the seas have changed a bit and are averaging twelve feet. The ride is a little more uncomfortable, but not a problem for most of the team. We are experiencing winds speed of 33 knots with gusts higher…..direction is from the SSW. Outside air temperature is 36 deg F. Current position is 65 deg 2 min S. Lat and 65 deg, 44 mins West at 1900Z on Feb 3rd.
We have almost 2,000 QSOs on two radios using an OCF Windom antenna and a 4-BTV. Callsign is XR9A/MM. The Team is in good spirits, only two are having trouble with sea sickness. Training is continuing on the use of the Icom 756 Pro III’s and Alpha 99 amps and with Writelog. Last night after dinner we viewed a video and discussed once again how to erect the shelters. Most of the team has hands-on experience with shelter erection from previous training, but six have not. Tomorrow will be spent moving our equipment from the container on the lower deck to the main deck and staging for helicopter airlift!

Current ETA at Peter I is midnight, Sunday, Feb 5th. This means the earliest we could begin setting up the camp would be the following morning on Monday….. weather permitting!

73’s to all!

Note from ARRL.ORG    [17 Feb 2005]

Peter I Island DXpedition postponed until 2006 (Feb 17, 2005)

-- The anticipated Peter I Island (Antarctica) 3Y0X DXpedition has been called off at the eleventh hour.
The DXpedition team announced February 17 that its charter vessel, the Cavendish Sea, has been delayed until February 20 instead of the hoped-for February 18.
With a projected February 21 departure, the DXpedition ran out of time.
''This latest delay, on top of numerous previous delays, simply makes it impossible for us to spend a sufficient amount of time on Peter I to justify the DXpedition this year,'' said the announcement from Bob Allphin, K4UEE, and Ralph Fedor, K0IR.
''So, we have no choice but to postpone the DXpedition until 2006.''
The DXpedition's first vessel and helicopter backed out at the last minute, forcing the team to quickly regroup with a new vessel and helicopter earlier this week.
All 20 3Y0X team members had assembled earlier this month in Ushuaia, Argentina.--

Note from IK3QAR    [12 Feb 2005]

Date: February 12, 2005
From: Team co-leaders:
Ralph Fedor, K0IR and Bob Allphin, K4UEE

Peter I Team assembled in Ushuaia, Argentina.


All of the 3Y0X team members have now assembled in Ushuaia, Argentina. Four
of the European operators arrived in Ushuaia on Friday, Feb. 11, bringing
the total number of assembled members to twenty.

As most of you know, the team had to shift its staging area from Punta
Arenas, Chile to Ushuaia, Argentina. The sea container full of the team's
supplies had to be moved through the complex customs process and then
overland trucking arranged to move the container. The container is due to
arrive in Ushuaia on Saturday, Feb. 12. This change in point of embarkation
also resulted in the need to re-evaluate our propane fittings and change our
food supply source. These have been very busy days for the team.

The ship is fueled and ready to make its way from Comodoro Rivadavia to
Ushuaia to pick up the team and load their supplies.

The helicopter company shocked the team by substituting a different, smaller
helicopter and delaying its availability by six days. We are now in the
process of contract negotiations with two other helicopter charter
companies. This is our remaining hurdle.

If we are unable to sail to Peter I by the middle of next week due to the
helicopter situation, we will likely postpone until next year. However, at
this time we still have options and we remain optimistic. Meanwhile the
team is enjoying the incredibly beautiful weather in Tierra del Fuego and
the hospitality of the local hams.

This is a huge undertaking and very, very expensive. The team members are
funding 74% of the total cost and need your help with the remaining
expenses. Your contribution will be very much appreciated. Send
contributions to either: W4GKF, F2JD, JA1ELY or ZL2AL (check the website for
an easy-to-use donation form).

Note from IK3QAR    [03 Feb 2005]

Date: January 21, 2005
From Team co-leaders:
Ralph Fedor, KØIR and Bob Allphin, K4UEE

DXpedition new dates - mid-February, 2005

Our last press release announced a delay in the 3YØX Dxpedition to Peter I. We can now give you more specific information.

The vessel we have chartered could not meet the original sailing date. The renovations and modifications taking place on the ship were not completed on schedule. K4UEE and LA6VM just returned from a visit to Chile that included an inspection of the team's chartered vessel, a meeting with the CEO of the charter company and the shipyard project supervisor, and an inspection of the team's equipment/supplies in our sea container stored in Punta Arenas.

We were disappointed to see that the ship is still not ready. Work is progressing, however, and the charter company tells us they expect to be ready to sail for Peter I on February 10. We are not entirely confident the work can be completed on time, but the team is prepared to assemble in Punta Arenas, Chile on February 8.

If all things go well, we will arrive at the island about 6-7 days after departure, depending on the route, weather, and ice conditions. Our landing operations will commence immediately once the weather allows for safe helicopter operation.

We will first establish a safe, secure, and self-sufficient camp. Once this is complete we will begin setting up stations and antennas. We will be on the air as soon as possible, but this too is dependent on the conditions on the island. Blizzards, high winds, and low visibility are very real potential problems. We still plan to bring up nine stations with amplifiers and a large array of antennas. Despite the schedule change, the team still hopes to spend two full weeks on the island. And, very importantly, our entire team remains intact. The state of preparation of the ship, the location, complex logistics, weather, and sea ice are all challenges and largely out of our control. We will do all that is within our power to complete this DXpedition safely and within this new time frame. If all goes well and we sail as planned on February 10, we will return to Punta Arenas on March 10th. Check our web site, www.peterone.com, regularly for updates.

This is a huge undertaking and very, very expensive. The team members are funding 74% of the total cost and need your help with the remaining expenses. Your contribution will be very much appreciated. Send contributions to either: K4UEE, F2JD, JA1ELY or ZL2AL (check the website for an easy-to-use donation form).

Note from K0IR    [16 Jan 2005]

DXpedition delayed

Date: January 13, 2005

From team co-leaders: Ralph Fedor, KØIR and Bob Allphin, K4UEE


There will be at least a two and one-half to three-week delay in the planned 3YØX DXpedition. Problems have arisen with completing the renovation and re-registration of the ship on schedule.

We currently have one team member in Chile gathering information.

On Jan. 17 a second team member will arrive. The two of them will travel to the shipyard and personally inspect the vessel. We will know more after this meeting and will update you at that time.


Note from IK3QAR    [18 Dec 2004]

K4YL Qsl additional info (from 3Y0X site):

All donations I receive go to paying for QSL cards and supplies.
Also I can NOT accept anything but the Large IRC's and only if they are stamped on the left side. If the IRC is not stamped, or if you send a small outdated IRC, then I will not send the card direct, it will go via the bureau. I get a lot of requests via email to just send a QSL via the bureau. This simply is unsatisfactory and unacceptible! I will only QSL to those stations from whom I receive a QSL. When requesting a 3YØX QSL, only send a QSL for this station only and do not put other QSL's that I manage with it. Due to the huge number of QSL's I will receive for 3YØX, sending multiple cards will only slow me down. If you will, please put 3Y on the envelope so I can sort my mail faster.

Mike, K4YL

Note from IK3QAR    [18 Dec 2004]

More infos at: http://www.peterone.com

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