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[by V31DJ]
DB last updated on
07 Feb 2025
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#### Your search returned 1 address #### |
V85SS's direct Address |
Lt Col (Ret.) Ambran H.M.Noor Aston, SMB, psc, P.O.Box 138, MPC, Bandar Seri Begawan, BB3577, BRUNEI |
Note from DK4FP [04 Jan 2019]
Had a cw qso on 17-08-2015 in cw on 20m and sent 2 direct qsls with 2 greenstamps and till now waiting for his qsl ! |
Note from HA1RW [07 Nov 2018]
Well, 10 months after mailing my direct request I received his QSL. I\'m happy. TNX Ambran OM. 73 |
Note from HA1RW [06 Jul 2018]
Sent a direct request (SAE + 2 GS) to his address but no reply after 6 months. Why he doesn't have OQRS or upload LoTW? |
Note from DF5WW [27 Nov 2015]
Have had a contact on 20 m CW in 2010, July 3rd and send a direct card on july 5th in 2010 but still no answere ..... B.t.w. .... helpful for handling cost ist to upload to the LotW and to with AG status .... Its free for all |
Note from V85SS [05 Jul 2006]
Qsl only direct. For prompt QSL kindly inclued SAE and 2 green stamps for helping in handling costs. |
V85SS Infos are wrong or you have more ? Add a note