Torcello, VE-11
Next pages are dedicated to island's history, information, pictures...
Not all the activated isles are described here, but i'm sure it's enough to make an idea of what Venice's lagoon is.
Paroma II
Fishing nets
Since most of the IIA isles of lagoon are unhabitated, only few can be reached by public means of transport....all the others can be
activated if you have your own boat, the one on the upper-right corner is Paroma2: a light
5 meters typical lagoon boat who can run in just 30 cm. of water.
Lagoon at sunrise
VE-06 San Giacomo in paludo Is.
IOTA Ref: EU-131
IIA Ref: VE-06
WW Locator: JN65EL
Wais Square: BK35
Status: Deserted
VE-12 Santa Cristina Is.
IOTA Ref: EU-131
IIA Ref: VE-12
WW Locator: JN65FM
Wais Square: BJ35
Status: Private
VE-13 La Salina Is.
IOTA Ref: EU-131
IIA Ref: VE-13
WW Locator: JN65FM
Wais Square: BJ35
Status: Deserted
VE-14 La Cura Is.
IOTA Ref: EU-131
IIA Ref: VE-14
WW Locator: JN65FM
Wais Square: BJ35
Status: Uninhabited
VE-16 San Francesco del Deserto Is.
IOTA Ref: EU-131
IIA Ref: VE-16
WW Locator: JN65FL
Wais Square: BK35
Status: Owned by the Franciscan Fathers
VE-29 Campana Is. (Former Batteria Podo)
IOTA Ref: EU-131
IIA Ref: VE-29
WW Locator: JN65DI
Wais Square: BK34
Status: Deserted
VE-30 Ex Poveglia Is.
IOTA Ref: EU-131
IIA Ref: VE-30
WW Locator: JN65DI
Wais Square: BK34
Status: Deserted
VE-31 Fisolo Is.
IOTA Ref: EU-131
IIA Ref: VE-31
WW Locator: JN65DI
Wais Square: BK34
Status: Uninhabited
VE-38 Lazzaretto Nuovo Is.
IOTA Ref: EU-131
IIA Ref: VE-38
WW Locator: JN65EK
Wais Square: BK35
Status: Owned by volunteers
VE-39 Sant'Ariano Is. (former ossuary)
IOTA Ref: EU-131
IIA Ref: VE-39
WW Locator: JN65FM
Wais Square: BJ35
Status: Deserted (former ossuary)