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IOTA / IIA in EU131
Venice Islands
My IIA activities
VE-06 San Giacomo
VE-12 Santa Cristina
VE-13 La Salina
VE-14 La Cura
VE-16 S.Francesco
VE-29 Campana
VE-30 Ex Poveglia
VE-31 Fisolo
VE-38 Lazzaretto N.
VE-39 Sant'Ariano
Visual WAIS
Venice Isles

IOTA: EU131     IIA: VE-38     WW Loc: JN65EK     Wais Square: BK35     Status: Owned by volunteers

In 1468 a lazzaretto (isolation hospital) was built on the isle of Vigna Murada, with prevention purposes. It was called "nuovo" (new) to distinguish it from the one which already existed at the Lido, which hosted those who were actually infected with plague.
Many new sites were built next to the lazaret to accommodate the sick; the main site is "Terzon Grande", the biggest Venice's public building, second only to the Arsenal Corderie (over 100 metres long).

On the right picture, one of the isle's inhabitants enjoying our transmissions

The isle of Lazzaretto Nuovo (once called Vigna Murada) has a surface of about 2 hectares and lies opposite Sant'Erasmo Isle, on the homonymous canal. It is likely to have been a strategic check point at the entrance of the lagoon. The first written evidence of a human settlement on the isle dates back to 1015, but some finds like arrow points would put this date back to the bronze age. In the XII C belonged to the monks of San Giorgio Maggiore Isle. They built a small church which they dedicated to S. Bartholomew.

In the 1700s, the importance of the New Lazaret declined and the whole area decayed.
Under the napoleonic and austrian rule the isle became a stronghold and was part of the defensive network on the Lido harbour. The army still used it in this Century, especially during World War I. After the armed forces moved out in 1975, the isle was entrusted to Ekos Club, a group of volunteers who are currently taking care of it.

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